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What Cancer has Given Me

After my diagnosis, I was forced to slow down a bit from my everyday life. In doing so, I was able to appreciate the little things in life. Things that I would have just passed over without a second thought, like:

1.     Colors—Colors are more vibrant and I see so many more then I ever had before. It’s as if I’m seeing things with different eyes.
2.     Taste—I developed a taste for foods that I never liked before. All the things that I liked had bolder flavors.
3.     Relationships—I felt a need to listen to people when they spoke. Instead of waiting to speak, I actually was listening to what people had to say. I found a greater desire to connect with people.

Having cancer did feel like a death sentence at first. However, after living with it for a couple of years and finding my new normal, I really don’t think that I would change a thing. I have a new appreciation for life and if my cancer comes back… I would do it all over again. Because, I’m not done yet.


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