My breakfast companion. 

I wonder if I am the only person that must take photos on a regular basis. If there is a day that I don't hit the shutter on a camera, any camera, I just don't feel like my day is done. I love it. I am addicted to it. It calls my name. It's like a drug. It is my passion. So I find myself carrying my Nikon D3 around with me all the time. Given the size of this unit, not an easy thing to do for the past 3 years. My friends have given the camera a nickname… “Precious”. They know that she comes before a lot of other things, and she is very important to my sanity. Precious and I have been through a lot. We get out on a regular basis and explore. I can hardly tell she is on my back when we are out there away from civilization. That is, until I get back home and my backs stiff from carrying the extra weight. She and I work like a team, and she is a great partner. The photos that we...
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